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Journal updates

  • Guidance on Use of LLMs (Large Language Models)

    Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, do not currently satisfy our authorship criteria. Notably an attribution of authorship carries with it accountability for the work, which cannot be effectively applied to LLMs. Use of an LLM should be properly documented in the Methods section (and if a Methods section is not available, in a suitable alternative part) of the manuscript. The best guidance for use of a LLM or AI is to document any contributions to your work in an upfront manner. 

  • General Guidelines when Developing a Special Issue for Behavioral Analysis in Practice

    A special issue of a journal is a collection of papers that are organized around a topic or theme of research within the scope of mission in the journal. Special issues require substantial support from Guest Editors, including identifying a topical area of interest, recruiting manuscripts, supporting the peer-review process, editing manuscripts, organizing the collection of papers into meaningful structures, and writing an introductory editorial piece to introduce and frame the special issue. 

  • Call for Guest Associate Editors and Guest Reviewers

    In an effort to increase inclusivity and diversity in the review process, the Editor and Associate Editors of Behavior Analysis in Practice invite individuals who wish to serve in the role of Guest Associate Editor and Guest Reviewer to please self-nominate here:  Individuals should be prepared to list their name, credentials, affiliation, and areas of expertise.  Individuals will also be asked to upload their vitae to document their areas of expertise.  The Editor and Associate Editors will draw from this list when selecting guest participation in the review process.  We encourage you to self-nominate if you would like to gain experience in the review process.

  • Call for Papers: Behavior Analysis in Healthcare Systems: A Place for Innovation and Dissemination

    Guest Editors: Amanda Laprime & Kelly Vinquist

    Historically, behavior analysts have been represented in well-known specialized inpatient and outpatient services with a primary focus on individuals with developmental disabilities. In recent years, acute care hospitals have experienced a surge in patients with neurodevelopmental, medical and mental health needs who experience behavioral challenges during medical care. This makes the emergency, or acute inpatient care more complex. The healthcare system is well posited for behavior analysts who can address these challenges yet getting a “foot in the door” or establishing sustainable, evidenced-based programs presents a unique challenge. The goal of the special issue is to highlights novel and innovative approaches behavior analysts have utilized to establish a variety of programs in healthcare systems.

    Anticipated timeline for papers:

    • Call for papers- September 2024
    • Call to close- March 2025
    • First responses back- May 2025
    • Edits made- August 2025
    • Manuscript published: February 2026
  • BAP Special Issue - Beyond Social Validity: Embracing Qualitative Research in Behavior Analysis

    Behavior Analysis in Practice announces its call for papers for a methodologically focused special issue entitled “Beyond Social Validity: Embracing Qualitative Research in Behavior Analysis.” The aim of this special issue is to explore what embracing qualitative research might mean, do, disrupt, and make possible in behavior analysis. We invite behavior-analytic scholars and practitioners to submit pedagogical, conceptual, and personally reflective contributions about teaching, learning, conducting, and conceptualizing qualitative research in behavior analysis. Click the title for more information on the special issue, submission requirements, and deadlines.

    Guest Editors for the special issue are Jennifer R. Wolgemuth and Claire St. Peter.

    There are two submission deadlines. For initial consideration, please submit a tentative title and 1000-word abstract by July 1, 2024. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be invited to submit a full manuscript by March, 15, 2025, which will undergo BAP's standard review process. Final manuscripts should be 6000 words or less in length, including references.

  • DEADLINE EXTENDED: Call for Papers: Trauma-informed Practice in Behavior Analysis

    Submission deadline extended to April 3rd, 2023

    The aim of this special issue is to highlight behavior analytic research that considers the impact of trauma on the conceptualization, delivery, evaluation, and acceptability of behavior analytic assessment and treatment approaches. We invite research employing a range of methodologies, noting that flexibility regarding standards for demonstration of experimental control might be warranted for some investigations.

    Guest Editors: Jennifer L. Austin, Adithyan Rajaraman
    Extended Submission Deadline: April 3rd, 2023

  • EXTENDED DEADLINE Call for Papers: Public Policy Advocacy by Behavior Analysts

    Guest Editors (listed in alphabetical order):  Gordon Bourland, Berenice de la Cruz (

    Behavior analysts continually assess the needs of clients and the community at large, including potential clients. Some behavior analysts have responded to these needs by becoming involved in public policy advocacy efforts. The main purpose of public policy advocacy efforts is the same as our purpose as behavior analysts: To improve socially significant behavior of those we are trained to serve.

    Guest Associate Editors (listed in alphabetical order): Michael Dorsey, Amanda Kelly, Gina Green, John Guercio, Sarah Trautman, Lorri Unumb

    EXTENDED Submission Deadline: April 15, 2023

  • DEADLINE EXTENDED Call for Papers: Impactful Leaders - Latin American Women in Behavior Analysis

    *Call for papers also available below in Spanish and Portuguese / Convocatoria a publicar también disponible a continuación en español y portugués / Chamada de trabalhos também disponível abaixo em espanhol e português

    Although the science of behavior analysis has had an international impact on educators, researchers, practitioners, and consumers, inequities in access to our science and representation within our science continues. For instance, in Latin America, behavior analysts have faced socioeconomic obstacles (e.g., military interventions, lack of economic support, prevalence of social issues) that have hindered the growth of the field in the region (López-López et al., 2010). Latin American women have had, and continue, to experience regional obstacles, as well as educational, professional, cultural, and gender-based barriers. Despite the hardships, Latin American women’s foundational role in the development of behavior analysis has not been compromised (e.g., Gutiérrez & Landeira-Fernández, 2018). Impressively, 45% of the full-time researchers in Latin America were female in 2016 (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2015). This special issue will serve as a tribute to all Latina women who have contributed to the development, dissemination, teaching, and applications of behavior analysis. We hope to highlight these contributions and begin to encourage cross-national and cross-cultural collaboration among behavior analysts.

    Guest Editors (listed in alphabetical order): Natalia Baires (, Sebastián García-Zambrano (

    Guest Associate Editors (listed in alphabetical order): Luisa F. Cañón G., L. Rebeca Mateos Morfín, Caio F. Miguel, Táhcita Medrado Mizael, Amy L. Odum, Yaniz Padilla Dalmau

    EXTENDED Submission Deadline: June 1, 2023

  • Call for Papers: Advancing Ethics and Behavior Analysis with Data

    Behavior Analysis in Practice seeks manuscripts for a special issue on the topic of taking a data-based approach to describing, analyzing, or understanding ethical behavior in practicing behavior analysts. The goal of this special issue is to highlight, promote, and encourage a variety of works on the nascent topic of ethical behavior of practicing behavior analysts. We are seeking conceptual and discussion papers relevant to the new Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts, which becomes active on January 1, 2022.

    Guest Editors: Matthew T. Brodhead, David J. Cox
    Submission Deadline: September 1, 2022

  • Call for Papers: Compassion in Applied Behavior Analysis

    Given the role of compassion in both the public’s criticism of ABA practices and recent developments in the practice of Behavior Analysis, we invite papers on the conceptual, technical, and strategic analysis of compassionate behavior in ABA.

    The papers in this special issue will provide the foundation for further behavior analytic exploration of the impacts of compassionate contexts and the various conditions under which compassionate behavior is evoked.

    Guest Editors: Emily Sandoz, Hannah Kaplan-Reimer
    Guest Associate Editors: Bridget Taylor, Troy DuFrene, Ruth M. DeBar, Mary Jane Weiss, Luisa F. Canon G. 
    Submission Deadline: November 15, 2022
