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Academic Psychiatry - Call for Papers: Faculty Development

Academic Psychiatry and Guest Editors Isheeta Zalpuri, M.D., and Ali Abbas Asghar-Ali, M.D. are developing a collection of papers related to faculty development in psychiatry. Faculty development continues to gain importance in medical education. Teaching, coaching, mentoring, and sponsoring trainees and peers is a key aspect of professional identity for many educators. Participation in leadership skills development and professional activities can contribute to academic success. There is evidence that faculty development can enhance retention, promotion rates, and productivity, especially among those underrepresented in medicine, which aids in reducing disparities. Faculty development encompasses clinical supervision and teaching practices, scholarship (e.g., writing skills and grant submissions), and leadership skills.

Who is responsible for engaging faculty in learning these non-clinical skills, which are not only essential for their growth but also their well-being and professional fulfillment? We are exploring various initiatives and programs that support faculty development. We are also keen to learn about how such endeavors are financially supported and sustained. We invite submissions relevant to this topic, including, but not limited to:

  • Qualitative and quantitative data on the creation, implementation, and sustainment of faculty development programs 
  • Challenges in creating faculty development programming for clinician educators and researchers 
  • Role and impact of various stakeholders in the department and institution
  • Administrative challenges and strategies for academic psychiatry leaders in meeting faculty development needs

For details on the submission process and manuscript formatting, including article categories, see the Instructions for Authors.

All submissions will undergo review via the journal's Editorial Manager platform, and publication is not guaranteed.

New submissions to be considered for the collection are requested by December 31, 2024.

Please identify the submission as intended for the faculty development collection in the cover letter.

Contact the Guest Editors and/or the Journal Editorial Office with questions or ideas to discuss:

  • Dr. Zalpuri:
  • Dr. Asghar-Ali:
  • Journal Editorial Office:

We look forward to receiving your submissions!
