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Journal of Ultrasound

The Official Journal of the Italian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

Publishing model:

Journal of Ultrasound - Special Issues and Topical Collections

All submissions to a Special Issue or Topical Collection must undergo the standard peer review process in the journal. For Special Issues and Topical Collections, the reviewing process must take place in accordance with the principles of transparency and objectivity, which is achieved through adherence to the established practice of blind peer reviews.

The peer review process of Special Issues or Topical Collections may be led by an expert in the field acting as Guest Editor for the journal. The details of the Guest Editor will be indicated on the dedicated page for the Special Issue or Topical Collection linked on the journal website.

Editors, Guest Editors and authors should follow Springer Nature’s and the journal’s Editorial Policies carefully before they submit their paper. This information can be found here

Reviewers should follow Springer Nature’s and the journals more detailed Peer-Review Policy, Process and Guidance here

Submissions should be original and not under consideration for publication in another journal. Manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission system with indication of the respective Special Issue or Topical Collection in the cover letter.
