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Insectes Sociaux

International Journal for the Study of Social Arthropods

Publishing model:

Insectes Sociaux - Call for Review Article Proposals

Insectes Sociaux is welcoming submissions of new review articles and invites authors to submit their proposal topic for consideration.

Writing reviews is an excellent way to consolidate ideas, to explore new thoughts, and to review current and relevant literature on a topic of your choice. There's no limit to topic: it should be clearly delimited, directly related to social arthropods, carry implications of wider scientific interest, and be timely. 

We particularly encourage work from early career researchers (senior graduate students or postdocs) as we hope to highlight articles from future leaders in the study of social insects and we would be pleased to consider inquiries from authors concerning the appropriateness of a review topic. 

Review manuscripts are subject to the standard peer review process, please see our guidelines for more information here and authors wishing to submit proposals (title and 1-2 paragraphs) for new review articles should contact our Reviews Editor Chris Reid
