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Applied Physics B - Topical Issue: 9th International Workshop on Laser-Induced Incandescence

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This Laser-Induced Incandescence topical issue covers the latest breakthroughs in the field of thermal light-particle interaction and its use as a diagnostic technique. Included papers covers the topics explored at the 9th International Workshop on Laser-Induced Incandescence, held at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK (June 12th-15th, 2022).

The meeting brought together scientists from various research fields to discuss recent developments and future trends in laser-induced incandescence and related fields. Laser-induced incandescence (LII) has become an established method to characterise soot particles generated by combustion. However, its sub-processes are still not fully understood, applications to engineered nanoparticles are rapidly emerging and its relationship to other optical diagnostics is of growing interest.  As such this Laser-Induced Incandescence topical issue focuses on new developments, capturing the state of the art and new directions at the frontiers of this field.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Advancements in the application of LII to soot
  • Characterization of engineered nanoparticles and novel nanomaterials
  • Complementary optical and non-optical techniques for the study of soot and other nanoparticles
  • The transition from LII to laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
  • Influence of particle properties on LII signal generation / extraction of physical property information from measured signals
  • Modelling of LII signal generation
  • Application areas including atmospheric science and harsh industrial systems

Authors of accepted papers at the 9th International Workshop on Laser-Induced Incandescence were invited to submit an extended manuscript to this topical issue, thus providing an opportunity to report at greater depth the highlights reported at the workshop itself.

All manuscripts have been subject to a standard peer review procedure with respect to their degree of novelty, relevance, and quality of presentation. All published papers can be found here. The complete collection will be made freely available for two months following the publication of the final accepted paper. Free-to-author Open-Access publishing is available to authors through their institutional’ s OA agreements with Springer Nature.

Guest Editors

Iain Burns, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

Timothy Sipkens, National Research Council, Ontario, Canada

See the published papers in this collection here.
