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Applied Physics A

Materials Science & Processing

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Applied Physics A - Applied Physics A achieves more than 1 million downloads in 2022

As already announced here, in 2023 Applied Physics A completes its 50th anniversary! Don’t miss the excellent collection of invited contributions, organized to celebrate this achievement.

In addition, we are very glad to share another accomplishment: the Applied Physics A papers have been downloaded more than 1 million times during 2022 (to be exact, 1.015.805 downloads). We would like to send our sincere appreciation for the community of readers, authors, and reviewers, for making the journal reach this incredible milestone.

The journal is supported by a team of expert editors, who strive to help authors publish their best research in Materials Science and Processing.

In 2022, the journal impact factor has continued to rise, reaching the mark of 2.983, as announced by Clarivate for the previous year. This represents an increase of 15% compared to the year before. We believe that this is a result of our increasing editorial standards, and the commitment of our authors to publish their best quality research in Applied Physics A.

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