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Polar Biology - Call for Papers: Special issue on Recent advancements in the microbial ecology of the changing polar regions

Polar environments, both marine and terrestrial, such as permafrost soils, subglacial and endoglacial lakes, sea ice, and the deep sea, are primary characterized by extremely low temperatures, often occurring in combination with extreme values of other environmental factors, e.g. high salinity and pressure, desiccation, and high radiation levels. However, contrary to common knowledge, polar regions also include hot environments, such as fumaroles and volcanoes. Thanks to their peculiar structural, physiological and metabolic traits, extremophilic microbes find optimal growth conditions and proliferate under harsh environmental conditions, which preclude other life in most of its forms. Microbes play crucial roles in sustaining ecosystem functioning, which is generally threatened by several phenomena, such as climate change and perturbations deriving from human activities (e.g., tourism, fishing, research activities), acting as stress factors menacing the maintenance of microbial community structures. These impacts are particularly evident and amplified in fragile polar ecosystems.

This special issue explores from an ecological perspective the diversity and roles, along with adaptation strategies, of prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) and microeukaryotes (e.g., protists, microalgae, yeasts) in the changing Arctic and Antarctic environments, with a focus on less explored habitats or habitats that are experiencing particularly pronounced changes and impacts. Soliciting the submission of both research and review papers relating to these topics, this special issue is intended as a compilation and synthesis of the most recent advancements in the scientific knowledge of the microbial ecology of polar areas. Submissions of original scientific contributions based on multidisciplinary approaches and critical and comparative interpretations are encouraged.

This special issue is dedicated to the memory of the enthusiastic researcher Dr. Luigi Michaud (1974–2014), on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his untimely death during a scientific dive in Antarctica and in recognition of his passion and contributions of our knowledge about the microbial ecology of extreme environments.

Guest Editors:

Angelina Lo Giudice (Institute of Polar Sciences, CNR-ISP, Spianata San Raineri 86, 98122 Messina, Italy);

Maria Papale (Institute of Polar Sciences, CNR-ISP, Spianata San Raineri 86, 98122 Messina, Italy);

Carmen Rizzo (National Institute of Biology, Department Marine Biotechnology, Villa Pace, Contrada Porticatello 29, 98167 Messina, Italy);

