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Journal of Mathematical Biology - Call for Papers: Topical Collection on Epidemic Modelling in Honour of Fred Brauer

Guest Editors:

Fred Brauer, one of the pioneers in mathematical epidemiology, passed away on October 17, 2021, leaving a legacy of exceptional contributions to the field of epidemic modelling including his independent and collaborative research, and his mentorship of multiple generations of researchers in the field.

We are pleased to edit a topical collection for the Journal of Mathematical Biology in his honour. The topical collection covers all areas of epidemiological modelling defined broadly but focuses on using mathematical approaches to gain epidemiological understanding or explain epidemiological phenomena. 

All submitted papers should either provide epidemiological insight because of mathematical analysis or identify and open up challenging new types of mathematical problems that derive from epidemiological knowledge. Mathematical ideas, methods, techniques and results are welcome, provided they show sufficient potential for usefulness in an epidemiological context.  State-of-the-art survey papers, including prospective discussion or speculation are welcome.


  • Deterministic epidemic modelling
  • Stochastic epidemic modelling
  • Network modelling
  • Transmission dynamics analysis

Submission Deadline: 31 October 2022 (Extended)

Submission Guidelines: Contributions must be submitted by August 31, 2022, however earlier submissions are encouraged and will be processed shortly after the submission. We aim to complete the entire volume by the Spring of 2023.  All papers will be subject to full review according to the high quality standards of JMB and rejection is one of the possible outcomes.

Please submit a full-length paper through the Journal of Mathematical Biology online submission system: and indicate that it is for this Topical Collection (it will be one of the choices for 'Article Type' when you submit). Papers should be formatted by following Journal of Mathematical Biology manuscript formatting guidelines. Please refer to the Journal’s website for detailed instructions on paper submission:

Any further queries you may have should be directed to the Topical Collection’s lead Guest Editor, Jianhong Wu (

For all information in one page kindly download the PDF below:
JOMB - Call for Papers - Topical Collection on Epidemic Modelling in Honour of Fred Brauer
