Solving the United States National Park overflight controversy Douglas S. EisingerMarcus C. PeacockSteven B. Falk Forum Pages: 149 - 157
Designing and managing successful endangered species recovery programs Tim W. ClarkRon CreteJohn Cada Profile Pages: 159 - 170
Making decisions about environmental management when conventional economic analysis cannot be used Elwood L. ShaferJames B. Davis Profile Pages: 189 - 197
The effects of perceived conflict, resource scarcity, and information bias on emotions and environmental decisions Joanne ViningHerbert W. Schroeder Research Pages: 199 - 206
Simplified method for wetland habitat assessment Ted T. CableVirgil Brack Jr.Virgil R. Holmes Research Pages: 207 - 213
Ecological analysis of disturbed riverbanks in the Montréal area of Québec Edith MorinAndré BouchardPierre Jutras Research Pages: 215 - 225
Risk of fatal amebic meningoencephalitis from waterborneNaegleria fowleri William H. HallenbeckGary R. Brenniman Research Pages: 227 - 232
Industry and the environment: Chief executive officer attitudes, 1976 and 1986 James S. BowmanCharles Davis Research Pages: 243 - 249
An erosion-based land classification system for military installations Steven D. WarrenVictor E. DiersingWilliam D. Goran Research Pages: 251 - 257
A regional environmental information system for analyzing and predicting the impacts of nonferrous mining on an agricultural environment Xu JialinQin WeiWang Huadong Research Pages: 259 - 269