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Immunogenetics - The Best of Immunogenetics 2020-2021

We are showcasing the top cited articles from Immunogenetics, published in 2020 and 2021. This collection features the highlights of the latest academic research. We hope you enjoy your free reading!

Update 2020: nomenclature and listing of celiac disease-relevant gluten epitopes recognized by CD4(+) T cells
Ludvig M. Sollid, Jason A. Tye-Din, Shuo-Wang Qiao, Robert P. Anderson, Carmen Gianfrani & Frits Koning

COVID-19 pandemic: is a gender-defined dosage effect responsible for the high mortality rate among males?
Natasja G. de Groot & Ronald E. Bontrop

An overview of immunoinformatics approaches and databases linking T cell receptor repertoires to their antigen specificity
Ivan V. Zvyagin, Vasily O. Tsvetkov, Dmitry M. Chudakov & Mikhail Shugay

Anatomy of teleost fish immune structures and organs
Håvard Bjørgen & Erling Olaf Koppang

Tuning of human NK cells by endogenous HLA-C expression
Frederick J. Goodson-Gregg, Stacey A. Krepel & Stephen K. Anderson

Differential expression of the inflammasome complex genes in systemic lupus erythematosus
Heidi Lacerda Alves da Cruz, Catarina Addobbati Jordão Cavalcanti, Jaqueline de Azêvedo Silva, Camilla Albertina Dantas de Lima, Thiago Sotero Fragoso, Alexandre Domingues Barbosa, Andréa Tavares Dantas, Henrique de Ataíde Mariz, Angela Luzia Branco Pinto Duarte, Alessandra Pontillo, Sergio Crovella & Paula Sandrin-Garcia

Revealing factors determining immunodominant responses against dominant epitopes
Wannisa Ritmahan, Can Kesmir & Renske M.A. Vroomans

The African-American population with a low allele frequency of SNP rs1990760 (T allele) in IFIH1 predicts less IFN-beta expression and potential vulnerability to COVID-19 infection
Amit K. Maiti

Characterization of 100 extended major histocompatibility complex haplotypes in Indonesian cynomolgus macaques
Cecilia G. Shortreed, Roger W. Wiseman, Julie A. Karl, Hailey E. Bussan, David A. Baker, Trent M. Prall, Amelia K. Haj, Gage K. Moreno, Maria Cecilia T. Penedo & David H. O’Connor

A survey of TIR domain sequence and structure divergence
Vladimir Y. Toshchakov & Andrew F. Neuwald
