Lifetime measurements in the triplet system of Mg I M. KwiatkowskiU. TeppnerP. Zimmermann OriginalPaper Pages: 109 - 111
Gamma-spectroscopy within the island of high-spin isomers nearN=82 J. BorggreenS. BjørnholmR. S. Simon OriginalPaper Pages: 113 - 124
Medium energy collisions of heavy nuclei in the three-dimensional nuclear fluid dynamical-(NFD) and Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) models H. StöckerR. Y. CussonW. Greiner OriginalPaper Pages: 125 - 135
Coupled channel analysis of inner-shell vacancy formation in superheavy quasimolecules Gerhard SoffJoachim ReinhardtWalter Greiner OriginalPaper Pages: 137 - 147
Inelastic proton amplitudes forf-wave resonances in55Co W. A. Watson Jr.E. G. BilpuchG. E. Mitchell OriginalPaper Pages: 153 - 158
Determination of theQ-value dependence of charged particle emission in the40Ca+40Ca reaction at 10 MeV/nucleon A. AmeaumeG. BizardC. Stephan OriginalPaper Pages: 159 - 165
Further evidence for the observation of structures in40Ca+40Ca reaction at 10 MeV/A.M.U. N. FrascariaP. ColombaniM. Louvel OriginalPaper Pages: 167 - 172
Short range behaviour of the N-N potential within the quark Model H. Toki OriginalPaper Pages: 173 - 181
The142Ce(d, p)142Ce reaction and a quasi-f 7/2 pattern in143Ce in the cluster-vibration model G. Vanden BergheV. Paar OriginalPaper Pages: 183 - 189
Half-life of the 23.87 keV level in119Sn A. Nylandsted LarsenD. MouchelH. H. Hansen OriginalPaper Pages: 191 - 195
The147Sm(n,α)144Nd Reaction on 2 keV neutrons J. KvitekJ. HoffmannYu. P. Popov Short Note Pages: 197 - 198