Computer-administered clinical rating scales A review K. A. KobakJohn H. GreistDavid J. Katzelnick REVIEW Pages: 291 - 301
The calcium channel agonist BAY k 8644 reduces ethanol intake and preference in alcohol-preferring AA rats R. de BeunRenate SchneiderJean De Vry ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 302 - 310
Possible inhibitory effect of diazepam on the metabolism of zotepine, an antipsychotic drug T. KondoOsamu TanakaTakashi Ishizaki ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 311 - 314
Evaluation of the discriminative stimulus and reinforcing effects of gammahydroxybutyrate (GHB) P. M. BeardsleyRobert L. BalsterLouis S. Harris ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 315 - 322
Stimulant activities of dimethocaine in mice: reinforcing and anxiogenic effects Adriana R. RigonR. N. Takahashi ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 323 - 327
Mecamylamine does not precipitate withdrawal in cigarette smokers T. EissenbergRoland R. GriffithsMaxine L. Stitzer ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 328 - 336
Pharmacological and neurochemical differences between acute and tardive vacuous chewing movements induced by haloperidol M. F. EganYasmin HurdThomas M. Hyde ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 337 - 345
Effect of destruction of the 5-hydroxytryptaminergic pathways on behavioural timing and “switching” in a free-operant psychophysical procedure S. S. A. Al-ZahraniM.-Y. HoE. Szabadi ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 346 - 352
MHPG and heart rate as correlates of nonresponse to drug therapy in panic disorder patients A preliminary report Bernhard R. SlaapIrene M. van VlietJ. A. Den Boer ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 353 - 358
Social drinking history, behavioral tolerance and the expectation of alcohol M. T. FillmoreM. Vogel-Sprott ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 359 - 364
Alcohol-induced organic cerebral psychosyndromes: partial reversal of cognitive impairments assisted by dihydroergocristine M. RainerHermann A. M. MuckeLiselotte Havelec ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 365 - 369
Initial monoamine oxidase-A inhibition by moclobemide does not predict the therapeutic response in patients with major depression A double blind, randomized study Françoise RadatI. BerlinAlain J. Puech ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 370 - 376
Context-specific cross-sensitization between systemic cocaine and intra-accumbens AMPA infusion in the rat K. BellP. W. Kalivas ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 377 - 383
Pharmacological manipulation of ultrasound induced defence behaviour in the rat S. R. G. BeckettS. AspleyC. A. Marsden ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Pages: 384 - 390