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Shock Waves

An International Journal on Shock Waves, Detonations and Explosions - Published under the Auspices of The International Shock Wave Institute

Publishing model:

Shock Waves - Call for Papers: Special Issue ICDERS 2023

A Special Issue in Shock Waves
Open for submissions until September 30, 2023

To ICDERS-2023 participants,

 Shock Waves Journal would like to remind you that traditionally a special issue collecting the best contributions to the 29th ICDERS in the topics covered by the journal is planned to be published. We would like to encourage you to submit an archival journal version of your 29th-ICDERS paper to our journal by September 30, 2023

 It would be helpful for our planning if you would indicate your intention to submit as early as possible (the paper itself may come later) to Gaby Ciccarelli (

Furthermore, we are particularly looking for papers on RDE and other pressure gain combustion topics. If there will be a sufficient number of submissions, we plan to publish an additional special issue exclusively devoted to RDE topics.

 The accepted papers are published online immediately upon acceptance and typesetting.

 When submitting via the Editorial Manager system please choose the article type "S.I.: ICDERS2023".

The guidelines in the form of a checklist (not to be submitted) can be found here:

 The previous ICDERS and PGC (pressure gain combustion) issues may be seen here:

 In case of any questions please contact Gaby Ciccarelli (

 We are looking forward to working with your submissions in an expedited manner to produce the issue in the shortest possible time. 


 Gaby Ciccarelli, Managing Editor and ICDERS Liaison Editor

Evgeny Timofeev, Editor-in-Chief
