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Shock Waves

An International Journal on Shock Waves, Detonations and Explosions - Published under the Auspices of The International Shock Wave Institute

Publishing model:

Shock Waves - Blast exposure research in military training environments

Guest Editors: 
Thuvan Piehler               
Rohan Banton
Richard Shoge

Deadline for submissions: January 31, 2023


The Thematic Issue will focus on current blast exposure study efforts, and gaps in experimental and computational models of primary and secondary blast exposure in laboratories, and in a variety of training environments such as free field air blast, enclosed space, subterranean, and underwater environments. We are soliciting submissions covering a broad range of topics including blast exposure measurements and characterization in different environments, response of personal protective equipment in blast environments, blast acoustics (auditory and non-auditory effects), and wearable sensors used to monitor blast exposure. We welcome submissions from government, industry, and academic institutions.

All papers will be subjected to the standard peer-review process of Shock Waves journal.

How to submit your paper: 

1. The scope of paper should be related to the special issue’s themes;
2. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden;
3. The paper should satisfy at least one of the following criteria:
originality of topic, novel methods or models, high quality of results, scientific advances in the field, innovation, high potential for technological development, practical solutions, logic and rational analysis, unbiased analysis, new insights
4. Presentation fluency/complete
5. No conflict between authors and reviewers

All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publisher. Interested authors should consult the journal’s “Submission Guidelines”.
Articles can be submitted through Editorial Manager:
The special issue is created as submission questionnaire in the system. When you submit your paper you will be asked if your paper belongs to a special issue. If you answer yes, a pull down menu prompts up where you can select the title of the special issue to which you are submitting your paper. 
Please indicate in your cover letter that you wish your manuscript to be considered for the special issue in question. All submitted papers will be reviewed as soon as they are received. Accepted papers are published Online First until the complete Special Issue is published.
