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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - B. John Davies Prize 2022

The B. John Davies Prize for the best paper published in IJAMT 2022 has been awarded to Zixuan Zhang,  Zhipeng Lai, Changxing Li, Yu Zheng, Wei Xu, Ziye Wang, Meng Li, Yuhang Gao, Quanliang Cao, Xiaotao Han, and Liang Li

The prize recognizes exceptional articles published in IAMT and awards authors for making an especially significant contribution. The award was named after the late B. John Davies of the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), the founding editor-in-chief of IJAMT who led the journal from its launch in 1985 until 2013.

From all the papers published in 2022, 11 papers were shortlisted with editor rating above 90 in the first round. The next round selected six finalists, and each paper was carefully scrutinized by the regional editors. The following paper has received the highest vote and is recommended for the 2022 B. John Davies Prize.

Title of paper
Production and use of adaptive pulsed Lorentz force for multi-step electromagnetic sheet metal forming: Method, experimental validation, and application
published in The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, volume 120, pages 5521–5576 (2022)

Zixuan Zhang,  Zhipeng Lai, Changxing Li, Yu Zheng, Wei Xu, Ziye Wang, Meng Li, Yuhang Gao, Quanliang Cao, Xiaotao Han, and Liang Li

Author affiliations
Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, Huazhong, University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

This paper proposed a novel electromagnetic actuator to produce an adaptive pulsed Lorentz force and use it to shape sheet metal workpieces. Such an adaptive pulsed Lorentz force can adapt its spatial distribution with respect to the sheet profile, which may stimulate a wide group of process variant. Herein, we shall introduce this adaptive pulsed Lorentz force to realize an energy-efficient and flexible multi-step electromagnetic forming process. And we shall validate the feasibility and advantages of the proposal by a combination of simulation and experimentation. Our simulation and experimental results suggested that the proposed multi-step process may resolve two critical issues (that is, the limited forming capability and the limited deformation control) for electromagnetic forming process. For the forming capability issue, our proposed process can successfully realize a forming mission which cannot be realized by conventional electromagnetic forming process for the relatively high mechanical strength of the workpiece; in addition, the proposed process has been successfully applied for shaping a sheet metal with 1000 mm length-scale, and compared with a previous work on a similar manufacturing case, the energy capacity required for the proposed process is only 25% of that for the former. For the deformation control issues, the proposed process can substantially reduce or even eliminate the forming defects of the wrinkling and rebounding by using a multi-step calibration process, thus substantially improving the forming quality. In summary, the proposed electromagnetic actuator and process are expected to break through several existing technical bottlenecks, and thus facilitate the advances for electromagnetic forming.
