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The Annals of Regional Science

An International Journal of Urban, Regional and Environmental Research and Policy

Publishing model:

The Annals of Regional Science - Call for Proposals for Co-Editor-in-Chief

Proposals are invited for the role of European Co-Editor-in-Chief for The Annals of Regional Science. 

The Annals of Regional Science is led by a team of three Editors-in-Chief - based in the Americas, in Europe, and in Asia, respectively.

The role of European Editor-in-Chief is up for renewal from January 1, 2025, for a three year term (renewable upon mutual agreement).

Interested individuals are invited to announce their interest for the position before March 31, 2024.

Candidates should be RSAI members, located in Europe. Association with WRSA is welcome. Suitable candidates will be distinguished scholars in regional and urban studies, with a track record of high-quality publications.

Indications of interest should be sent to before March 31, and should include CV, a description of potential previous experience as editor, and a short statement of editorial philosophy, vision and objectives for the journal.

The selection of candidates will be made jointly by the publisher Springer Nature, the current team of editors, and the WRSA Board of Directors.
It is expected that a decision will be made before June 1, 2024.

Any questions about the selection process or the expectations of the role can be addressed to

PDF Call for EiC 2024
