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Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication

Publishing model:

AI & SOCIETY - Special issue on The Impact of Generative AI on Human Creativity

Guest Editors:

Prof. Jon McCormack, SensiLab, Monash University, Australia,
Dr Maria Teresa Llano, SensiLab, Monash University, Australia,
Dr Nina Rajcic, SensiLab, Monash University, Australia,
Ms Tace McNamara, SensiLab, Monash University, Australia,

The rapid rise of generative AI technologies in applications of human creative practice – including visual art, illustration, cinema, writing, performance and music – has raised both opportunities and questions regarding the future of human and machine creativity, and more broadly around human culture. These issues span the conceptual (e.g. what roles will AI technologies fulfill in future creative practices?), ethical (e.g. issues of “style theft” (McCormack et. al, 2023; Marr, 2023)), legal (e.g. questions of authorship and copyright) and creative (e.g. does AI have its own aesthetic?).

Special Issue Themes:

This Special Issue of AI & Society (AI&S) will expand critical scholarly research by examining both the current and future impacts of Generative AI technologies on human creative practice, creativity, and culture. The aim of this Special Issue is to curate and present state-of-the-art work across a variety of relevant disciplines. We welcome contributions from researchers, theorists, practitioners and artists. Topics and themes will include:

  • Theoretical considerations: how generative AI challenges traditional concepts of creativity, authorship, authenticity, attribution and intention.
  • Case studies: empirical works that explore the way AI affects creative practices – both traditional and new, including consideration of co-creation, creative production, appreciation or dissemination.
  • Speculative explorations: how might the next generation of AI systems impact human culture and creativity? What mechanisms should be put in place to avoid or promote such scenarios?
  • Methods and approaches: presenting various approaches for researching generative AI in creative contexts.
  • Thematic issues: e.g. critical analyses of generative AI implementations; ethical considerations of AI in creative practices; issues pertaining to artist’s moral rights; cultural impacts (qualitative or quantitative); consideration of philosophical positions on creativity, agency, autonomy, authenticity, value and intention in creative generative AI systems; narratives of human-machine co-creation and creative ecosystems; analysis of financial, labour and economic effects of generative AI on creative economies; distribution, consumption and creation of media content;privacy, fairness and security in creative applications of generative AI systems; changes in human cognition, social interaction, or epistemology brought about by generative AI.

Important Dates:

Abstract submission:      31st January 2024
Manuscript submission: 30th April 2024
Notifications:                  30th June 2024
Revised papers due:       31st July 2024

Submission Formatting:

You can find more information about formatting under the section “Submission guidelines” ​ For inquiries and to submit your abstract by email, please contact: with the subject “AI&S Special issue on Generative AI.”
