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Neotropical Entomology - Call for Papers: Insect Pollinators Collection

New Content ItemIn recent years, there has been growing concern about the decline of insect pollinators worldwide and its potential consequences for ecosystem functioning and food security. Pollinators decline can cause crop yield instability, which might affect the livelihoods of millions of people, particularly in the Global South. 

Neotropical Entomology invites entomologists to contribute original research and review articles to a comprehensive Collection on Insect Pollinators. We aim to address a wide range of topics related to the biology, ecology, behavior, conservation and management of these vital (and threatened) organisms.

Guest Editors

New Content ItemVera Lucia Imperatriz-Fonseca
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

New Content Item

Carmen Silvia Soares Pires
Embrapa Genetic Resources & Biotechnology, Brazil

New Content ItemMarcia Motta Maués
Embrapa Eastern Amazon, Brazil

New Content ItemJuliana Hipólito
Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

We welcome submissions that shed light on, but are not limited to, the following themes:

  • Pollinators biology: Studies that help us better understand biological aspects such as morphology, vision, chemical communication, reproduction, behavior, genetics, among others, across different species and habitats.
  • Pollinators diversity and abundance: Studies on the taxonomy, distribution, and abundance of insect pollinators in different ecosystems, including both native and introduced species.
  • Pollination ecology: Investigations into the interactions between insect pollinators and flowering plants, including the study of pollinator foraging behavior, floral traits, and plant-pollinator networks.
  • Managed pollinators: research on the development of assisted pollination technologies in open and protected environments; studies on the development of production technologies of pollinator agents for supply at large scale and with quality; bottlenecks and perspectives for  the use of pollinator agents in agriculture as bio-inputs.
  • Threats and drivers of decline: Research on the various factors contributing to the decline of insect pollinators, such as habitat loss, pesticide exposure, climate change, pathogens, and the impacts of urbanization. Environmental risk assessment of agrochemicals for bees and other insect pollinators, in the context of crop production and environmental restoration, are particularly welcome.
  • Conservation strategies: Studies on innovative conservation approaches and management practices aimed at preserving and restoring insect pollinator populations and their habitats.
  • Ecosystem services and implications: Research exploring the ecological and socio-economic importance of insect pollinators, including their role in pollination services, crop production, and the implications of pollinator decline for human well-being.
  • Pollinators and biological control: Investigations into the interconnections between pollinators and natural enemies for integrated pest management.
  • Policies to protect pollinators: Several countries have implemented action plans to avert a global crisis in agriculture caused by pollination decline. Articles reporting those experiences, the role of stakeholders, achievements and failures are more than welcome.

>>The articles published in this collection will be visible at this page.

Manuscripts should be formatted according to the journal’s submission guidelines and submitted via the online submission system.

If you want to submit a review article, please send us a pre-submission enquiry.

All manuscripts will be peer reviewed as usual by the guest editors team and final decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief.

IMPORTANT: You will be asked, during the submission process, if your manuscript is part of a collection. Please respond “yes” and select the option “Pollinators”.


Photo: Fototeca Cristiano Menezes (FCM). Melipona flavolineata on a star fruit flower.

