AMMA 2013 — 3 rd International congress automotive, motor, mobility, ambient Bogdan Varga Editorial Note 27 June 2014 Pages: 100 - 100
The influence of triggers geometry upon the stiffness of cylindrical thin walled tubes Adrian SoicaGheorghe N. Radu Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 10 January 2014 Pages: 101 - 109
Internal combustion engine supercharging: turbocharger vs. pressure wave compressor. Performance comparison Atanasiu Catalin GeorgeAnghel Chiru Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 13 November 2013 Pages: 110 - 118
Numerical simulation of thermal-hydraulic generators running in a single regime Nicolae ChioreanuTudor MitranHoria Beles Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 16 April 2014 Pages: 119 - 124
Experimental research made during a city cycle on the feasibility of electrically charged SI engines Levente B. KocsisNicolae Burnete Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 13 February 2014 Pages: 125 - 132
Increasing of the urban traffic surveillance by automatic information device Moldovan MirceaFilip Nicolae Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 05 March 2014 Pages: 133 - 141
Comparative analysis into the tractor-trailer braking dynamics: tractor with single axle brakes, tractor with all wheel brakes Mircea NastasoiuNicolae Ispas Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 20 February 2014 Pages: 142 - 147
Methodology for evaluate the form deviations for formula one nose car Paul BereCalin Neamtu Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 01 April 2014 Pages: 148 - 154
Shaping traffic flow with a ratio of time constants Nicolae Marius Bîrlea Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 20 February 2014 Pages: 155 - 161
Vehicle dynamic analysis using neuronal network algorithms Florin OloeriuOana Mocian Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 20 February 2014 Pages: 162 - 169
Stability of the equilibrium positions of an engine with nonlinear quadratic springs Nicolae-Doru StănescuDinel Popa Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 06 December 2013 Pages: 170 - 177
Influence of malfunctions of the maintenance activities on the urban buses fuel consumption Crişan Horea GeorgeFilip Nicolae Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 19 May 2014 Pages: 178 - 185
Macroeconomic analysis of road vehicles related environmental pollution in Hungary Árpád TörökÁdám Török Topical Issue: AMMA 2013 28 March 2014 Pages: 186 - 191
Research of some operating parameters and the emissions level variation in a spark ignited engine through on-board investigation methods in different loading conditions Ferenti IosifDoru Laurean Baldean Resaerch Article 27 June 2014 Pages: 192 - 208
Erratum to Central European Journal of Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 1 M. Ajay KumarN. V. Srikanth Erratum 27 June 2014 Pages: 209 - 209