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Learning & Behavior - Learning & Behavior announces a special issue in honor of Sarah (Sally) Boysen.

Guest Editor: Suzanne E. MacDonald, Department of Psychology, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada

Enjoy free access on the articles until April 30th, 2023. Read the Special Issue linked here.

Excerpt from an editorial by Guest Editor, Suzanne E. MacDonald: 

"It has been a real privilege to edit this special issue of Learning & Behavior to celebrate Dr. Sarah (Sally) Boysen’s scientific career. Dr. Boysen received the 2022 Comparative Cognition Society Research Award for her outstanding contribution to the study of comparative cognition in animals. Dr. Boysen’s Master Lecture was delivered at the conclusion of a symposium organized in her honor at the spring International Conference on Comparative Cognition (CO3) in Melbourne, Florida, and this special issue of Learning & Behavior was inspired by that symposium."
