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Drug Delivery and Translational Research

An Official Journal of the Controlled Release Society

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Drug Delivery and Translational Research - Featured Article: December 2023

Read the featured article from the December 2023 issue!

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Delivery and short-term maternal and fetal safety of vaginally administered PEG-PLGA nanoparticles

This study explored the biodistribution and short-term maternal and fetal safety of vaginally administered polymeric nanoparticles in pregnant mice. After vaginal administration into pregnant mice, fluorescent cargo released from the nanoparticles remained in the vagina, whereas the polymer carrier distributed to the vagina, placentas, and embryos. The nanoparticles did not impact maternal, fetal, or placental weight over a 24-hour observation period, suggesting they display no short-term effects on maternal or fetal growth. The results from this work encourage future investigation into the use of vaginally delivered nanoparticles therapies for conditions affecting the vagina during pregnancy.

Read the December Issue here!

Watch the December 2023 Best Paper video here! 
