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Drug Delivery and Translational Research

An Official Journal of the Controlled Release Society

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Drug Delivery and Translational Research - Featured Article: September 2022

Read the featured article from the September 2022 issue!

Summary: Biodistribution of nanomedicines is primarily determined by the size, shape, chemical composition, and surface properties of the encapsulating nanoparticles, rather than the loaded active pharmaceutical ingredient payloads. In this work, we show that two clinically relevant nanoformulations, one each based on lipids and polymers, behave very differently in vivo in animals. We quantified the encapsulated payloads as proxy for biodistribution of the nanoparticles. One of the most notable differences was the marked (> 50-fold) difference between the lipidic and polymeric formulations in terms of the measured concentrations in tissue vs. blood. Also, we observed an enrichment of the polymer-encapsulated anticancer drugs (cabazitaxel) in the lung tissue, which warrants further studies towards a possible indication for lung cancer therapy.

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The article is part of a Special Issue, titled “Regulatory Framework on Nanomedicine”, and Guest Editors are Drs. Kathleen Spring, Klaus-M. Weltring, Adriele Prina-Mello, and Ruth Schmid. Read the September 2022 issue here.
