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KI - Künstliche Intelligenz

German Journal of Artificial Intelligence

Publishing model:

KI - Künstliche Intelligenz - CfP Special Issue: Non-Classical Reasoning for Contemporary AI Applications

Scope: Non-classical logics (NCLs) have numerous topical applications in artificial intelligence, mathematics, computer science, philosophy, ethics, and other fields; and increasingly many domain-specific NCLs are being introduced every year for specific knowledge representation, modelling, or reasoning purposes. Examples include, modal logics, hybrid logics, non-monotonic logics, paraconsistent logics, intuitionistic logics, linear logics, and many more. Despite the relevance of NCL reasoning, for many of these logics automated reasoning methods and system implementations are scarce or simply nonexistent. On the other hand, the interest in explicit symbolic representation of topical knowledge, and in automation of reasoning procedures in practical applications within various scientific fields is increasing. Notable examples include, e.g., legal and normative reasoning, AI ethics, and metaphysics. Trusted and useful AI systems in these areas can strongly profit from effective logic automation, including adequate and expressive knowledge representation formalism as well as robust system implementations and standards.

This special issue aims at providing an overview of recent work in automation of expressive non-classical logics, AI-related applications thereof, and discussions of perspectives in explicit symbolic knowledge representation and reasoning in contemporary AI applications regarding, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Knowledge representation in non-classical logics
  • Automated and interactive theorem proving in non-classical logics
  • Applications of non-classical logics and logic automation in AI
  • Applications of automated reasoning in other sciences
  • System development and implementation techniques
  • Current and upcoming developments in non-classical automated reasoning

The special issue welcomes technical contributions (of up to 20 pages), abstracts (4 pages), e.g., on doctoral theses or habilitations, system descriptions (4 pages), project reports (4 pages), or discussion articles (4-8 pages). 

All submissions will be peer-reviewed.

Submission Deadline for complete contribution: June 18, 2023
Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags bis spätestens 18.06.2023


Alexander Steen, University of Greifswald, Germany (

Christoph Benzmüller, University of Bamberg, Germany (

Anni-Yasmin Turhan, University of Dresden, Germany (

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