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Journal of High Energy Physics
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Journal of High Energy Physics - Happy 25th birthday, JHEP!

JHEP25 © SISSAIn July 2022 the open access Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) celebrated its 25th birthday. To thank the entire JHEP community of scientists for the success of the journal, the JHEP Scientific Directors Yaron Oz and Martin Beneke have edited a special issue with articles written by experts in the field, many of whom have contributed to its success from the very beginning. Read their Editorial for further information and browse the articles published in the JHEP 25TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ISSUE.

JHEP belongs to the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy and has been published by Springer Nature in collaboration with SISSA Medialab srl since 2010.

Thanks to this partnership, JHEP joined the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access in Particle Physics (SCOAP3), and the journal became fully open access as of 2014.

In 2017, when the journal turned 20, we celebrated together with a birthday party and cake at the Springer offices in Heidelberg (see here).

The 25th birthday gives us the opportunity to thank the entire JHEP community of scientists for the journal’s success. Since its inception, they have put their faith in this adventure and contributed to JHEP’s success and standing within the community.

On this site, and over the course of this year, we will regularly post the latest news on JHEP in what will surely be an eventful year for the journal.

Please watch this space for further posts!

Christian Caron / Sabine Lehr / Springer

Aldo Rampioni / JHEP Editorial Office / SISSA Medialab
