BMC Ecology is now archived and no
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Volume 6, issue 1, December 2006
19 articles in this issue
GIS habitat analysis for lesser prairie-chickens in southeastern New Mexico
- Kristine Johnson
- Teri B Neville
- Paul Neville
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 04 December 2006
- Article: 18
Introgression of mountain hare (Lepus timidus) mitochondrial DNA into wild brown hares (Lepus europaeus) in Denmark
- Tina Fredsted
- Trine Wincentz
- Palle Villesen
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 15 November 2006
- Article: 17
Clouded leopards, the secretive top-carnivore of South-East Asian rainforests: their distribution, status and conservation needs in Sabah, Malaysia
Authors (first, second and last of 4)
- Andreas Wilting
- Frauke Fischer
- K Eduard Linsenmair
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 08 November 2006
- Article: 16
Age-dependent induction of immunity and subsequent survival costs in males and females of a temperate damselfly
- Tonia Robb
- Mark R Forbes
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 07 November 2006
- Article: 15
Determination of the genetic structure of remnant Morus boninensis Koidz. trees to establish a conservation program on the Bonin Islands, Japan
Authors (first, second and last of 6)
- Naoki Tani
- Hiroshi Yoshimaru
- Takaya Yasui
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 11 October 2006
- Article: 14
Detecting local establishment strategies of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.)
- Aki M Höltken
- Hans-Rolf Gregorius
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 04 October 2006
- Article: 13
Trace metal concentrations in Posidonia oceanica of North Corsica (northwestern Mediterranean Sea): use as a biological monitor?
Authors (first, second and last of 7)
- Marc Gosselin
- Jean-Marie Bouquegneau
- Sylvie Gobert
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 11 September 2006
- Article: 12
Phenology of marine turtle nesting revealed by statistical model of the nesting season
Authors (first, second and last of 8)
- Marc Girondot
- Philippe Rivalan
- Matthew H Godfrey
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 31 August 2006
- Article: 11
Inter-annual growth of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus, L.) in relation to climate variation
Authors (first, second and last of 5)
- David M Kristensen
- Thomas R Jørgensen
- Kirsten S Christoffersen
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 27 August 2006
- Article: 10
Measuring specialization in species interaction networks
- Nico Blüthgen
- Florian Menzel
- Nils Blüthgen
- Content type: Methodology article
- Open Access
- Published: 14 August 2006
- Article: 9
Fast and non-invasive PCR sexing of primates: apes, Old World monkeys, New World monkeys and Strepsirrhines
- Palle Villesen
- Tina Fredsted
- Content type: Methodology article
- Open Access
- Published: 08 June 2006
- Article: 8
Slow fertilization of stickleback eggs: the result of sexual conflict?
Authors (first, second and last of 5)
- Theo CM Bakker
- Marc Zbinden
- Carlo R Largiadèr
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 19 May 2006
- Article: 7
Evidence of the exploitation of marine resource by the terrestrial insect Scapteriscus didactylus through stable isotope analyzes of its cuticle
Authors (first, second and last of 4)
- Alexandra Maros
- Alain Louveaux
- Marc Girondot
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 08 May 2006
- Article: 6
Wildlife reintroduction: considerations of habitat quality at the release site
- Susan M Cheyne
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 13 April 2006
- Article: 5
Antagonistic interactions between honey bee bacterial symbionts and implications for disease
- Jay D Evans
- Tamieka-Nicole Armstrong
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 21 March 2006
- Article: 4
Mixing of propagules from discrete sources at long distance: comparing a dispersal tail to an exponential
- Etienne K Klein
- Claire Lavigne
- Pierre-Henri Gouyon
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 20 February 2006
- Article: 3
Zn, Cu, Cd and Hg binding to metallothioneins in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena from the southern North Sea
Authors (first, second and last of 4)
- Krishna Das
- Arnaud De Groof
- Jean-Marie Bouquegneau
- Content type: Research article
- Open Access
- Published: 07 February 2006
- Article: 2
Analysis of a marine phototrophic biofilm by confocal laser scanning microscopy using the new image quantification software PHLIP
Authors (first, second and last of 5)
- Lukas N Mueller
- Jody FC de Brouwer
- João B Xavier
- Content type: Software
- Open Access
- Published: 16 January 2006
- Article: 1