Environmental Earth Sciences - Call for Papers
Sustainable Utilization of Geosystems
Guest Editors: Ulf Huenken, Peter Dietrich, Olaf Kolditz
The use of subsurface resources from geosystems has become much more diverse in recent years and is characterised by increasing discussions about possible influences on our natural resources, such as groundwater and air pollution, soil contamination, or induced seismic events. In the future, increasing conflicts of geosystems use are foreseeable in the management of the subsurface. In addition to conventional management methods, such as mining or tunnel construction, the utilization of energy and energy carriers using new technologies as well as the geological short and long-term storage of material energy carriers (e.g. natural gas, hydrogen, compressed air), geothermal energy and the safe geological storage of waste have increasingly come into the focus of society and politics. In order to quantitatively understand the complex interrelationships in an anthropogenically influenced environment and to enable reliable forecasts, targeted scientific investigations are necessary in order to be able to use our georesources responsibly and sustainably.
The Topical Collection “Sustainable Use of Georessources” invites manuscript submission related to the above portfolio of a safe and sustainable utilization of geosystems.