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German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research - Call for Papers: „sport.developments—physical activity and sport in our society from a socioeconomic perspective“

The German Call for Papers is avilable here.

Sport as a social phenomenon is influenced by social changes. Describing, analysing, and forecasting the resulting developments can be regarded as main objects of sports development in the sense of developments in sport. At the same time, sport is not only seen as an end in itself, but also as a means to achieve goals—i.e. in the sense of development through sport—on an individual and societal level. It seems that less attention has yet been paid to interactions between the two areas; however, developments in sport also influence the possibilities for developments through sport. Sport is to be considered comprehensively—in organised and non-organised forms as well as in a narrower sense and wider sense including various forms of leisure activities and exercise.

The German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, an up-and-coming international journal (and successor to Germany’s leading national journal in sport science: Sportwissenschaft, 1971-2016) invites authors from all areas of sport science to contribute articles to the thematic issue “sport.developments—physical activity and sport in our society from a socioeconomic perspective”.

Articles written in German or English language can be submitted. All papers will undergo rigorous double-blind peer review. The journal also offers the possibility to publish articles Open Access, and there are several Transformative Agreements in place with institutions and countries all over the world, where these funders and institutions cover OA publishing costs for affiliated researchers. More information on this is available here: 

We ask authors to submit their papers using the journal’s electronic Editorial Manager system (
Deadline for submission is 31.10.2023. Instructions for authors are available on the journal’s homepage (

We are looking forward to receiving your articles.

Handling Editor:               Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kaiser-Jovy
Guest Editors:                   Univ.-Prof. Martin Schnitzer, PhD, and Ass. Prof. Dr. Michael Barth
