Race and Social Problems - Open Access Articles
Race and Social Problems publishes open access articles that are freely available online. Open access articles in the journal include:
Educational Attainment Past the Traditional Age of Completion for Two Cohorts of US Adults: Inequalities by Gender and Race/Ethnicity
Alison K. Cohen, Sarah Ryan, Louisa H. Smith, Robert K. Ream, M. Maria Glymour, Andrea Lopez & Irene H. YenRacial Discrimination, Black Identity, and Critical Consciousness in Spain
M.ª Ángeles Cea D’AnconaLocal TV News Coverage of Racial Disparities in COVID-19 During the First Wave of the Pandemic, March–June 2020
Yiwei Xu, Elizabeth K. Farkouh, Caroline A. Dunetz, Sravya L. Varanasi, Sophia Mathews, Sarah E. Gollust, Erika Franklin Fowler, Steven Moore, Neil A. Lewis Jr. & Jeff NiederdeppeSocial Class also Matters: The Effects of Social Class, Ethnicity, and their Interaction on Prejudice and Discrimination Toward Roma
Ana Urbiola, Marisol Navas, Cristina Carmona & Guillermo B. WillisValues and Attitudes Toward Immigrants Among School Children in Switzerland and Poland
Charlotte Clara Becker, Eldad Davidov, Jan Cieciuch, René Algesheimer & Martin Kindschi
If you are interested in publishing an open access article in Race and Social Problems, learn more about Springer's Open Choice program and also Springer's Compact Agreements with participating countries and institutions that cover open access costs for authors.