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Mathematical Programming Computation

A Publication of the Mathematical Optimization Society

Publishing model:

Mathematical Programming Computation - Soliciting 'Short communication' manuscripts

Mathematical Programming Computation is now soliciting submission of “short communication” manuscripts.

The originally submitted version of a short communication should be at most 10 pages when using the recommended Springer “svjour3” LaTeX templates. 

The journal commits to completing all reviews and making initial acceptance or rejection decisions on such short communications within 3 months of submission.  Short communications will undergo the journal’s usual review processes, including two referee reports and technical review by a technical editor when appropriate.

The topic of a short communication may be any subject within the aims and scope of the journal.  Possible topics include noteworthy incremental advances such as useful enhancements to existing algorithms, new features added to existing software, or important additions to problem instance libraries.

Short communication submissions need not contain lengthy introductions, literature reviews, or conclusions sections.  A brief explanation of the context of the contribution and any immediately relevant citations will generally be regarded as sufficient.

To ensure accurate page counts, all short communication submissions must be written in LaTeX, using Springer’s “svjour3” templates found at

Submissions may not alter the template’s page margins (in particular, they should not use the “geometry” package, which will alter the margins even if no commands are issued to it).

For revisions of previous submissions, modest length increases beyond 10 pages may be permitted by the editorial board if they are needed to address reviewer comments.

In the manuscript submission systems, authors of short communication manuscripts should select “brief report” instead of “research article”.

MAPC Short comms.pdf
