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Electronic Markets

The International Journal on Networked Business

Publishing model:

Electronic Markets - Electronic Markets Update to Continuous Article Publishing (CAP)

Electronic Markets Update to Continuous Article Publishing (CAP)

As previously announced, with the publication of Electronic Markets’ issue 32/4, the journal has successfully moved from its long-time quarterly appearance to the Continuous Article Publishing (CAP) model. All papers accepted after the production stop (from November 01, 2022) are currently being processed by the publisher. Authors will receive their e-proofs soon.

The shift will soon be visible with volume 33 on Electronic Markets’ Springer Link presence. The Online First option appearance has already been discontinued since all papers will be automatically assigned to the volume. This means that the article’s metadata are immediately available in their final form (the so-called Article Citation ID together with the DOI link).

Furthermore, special issues will now be published as Topical Collections on Springer Link. These have the same characteristics as the special issues and Electronic Markets continues to use the term “special issue” in their call for papers. Topical collections have the advantage that they may be enhanced at a later stage. In this way, guest editors and authors can decide to include new papers at any time, even if they belong to different volumes.

We regret that there have been delays during the production stop, but hope that you share the advantages of moving to CAP and trust for your continued support of Electronic Markets. In case you have any question, do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office ( or any of us.

All the best,

The EM editorial team
