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International Journal of Social Robotics - Call for Papers: Special Issue on Prediction and Anticipation for Reasoning in Human-Robot Interaction

Guest Editors:
Anaís Garrell, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industial (CSIC-UPC), Spain & Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Gerard Canal, King's College London
Raquel Ros, Pal Robotics, USA

Deadline for submission: September 1, 2024.

Recently, there has been growing interest in making autonomous robots capable of interacting and communicating with people. This demanding objective has opened new research fields concerning the social abilities robots should acquire. Some examples of these are assisting elderly people in homes or helping pedestrians in public spaces. Moreover, collaborative robots for those examples require safe physical interaction with humans. Nevertheless, in order to provide physical cooperation to humans, robots should be capable of predicting and anticipating the humans’ intents, behaviours and motion. Therefore, this Special Issue will focus on the prediction and anticipation of human actions in Human-Robot Interaction tasks, as this is key to coordinate joint activities.

Relevant topics:

● Robotic proactivity
● Robot behaviors that anticipate or take into account human actions
● Robot collaboration
● Intention understanding in HRI
● Action recognition in HRI
● Theory of Mind
● Social signaling understanding
● Social perception and context awareness
● User studies on prediction and anticipation of human behaviour for collaborative robotic tasks
● Domain-specific applications of Human-Robot Collaborations with anticipation

How to submit your article 
All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. Interested authors should consult the journal’s “Submission Guidelines” at

Articles can be submitted through Editorial Manager:

The special issue is created as submission questionnaire in the system. When you submit your paper you will be asked if your paper belongs to a special issue. Please answer yes, and then select “S.I. Prediction and Anticipation for Reasoning in Human-Robot Interaction” from the pull-down menu. 

All submitted papers will be reviewed on a peer review basis as soon as they are received. Accepted papers will become immediately available Online First until the complete Special Issue appears.

Guest Editors
Anaís Garrell is a Senior Postdoc at Institut de Robòtica iNew Content Item Informàtica Industial (CSIC-UPC) and Adjunct Professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in the field of social robotics. She graduated in Mathematics in 2006 at Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and obtained her PhD in 2013 (UPC). She also obtained a master's degree in 2018 on Technological Big Data by La Salle-URL. In 2011, Dr. Garrell moved to Carnegie Mellon University, USA, to work and specialize in Human Robot Interaction. As a postdoc she collaborated in National and  European projects in the field of social robot Navigation. In IRI, she is a team leader on the part of the Social Robot Navigation group, and her role is to open new fields on this topic. Dr. Garrell has organized different academic events (ICRA’18 and ICRA’22 workshop, Robotics&AI summer school).

Gerard Canal is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Autonomous Systems and a Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) UKNew Content Item IC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the King's Department of Informatics. In March 2020, he completed his PhD in Robotics at the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial. His research interests are in the areas of assistive robotics, robot behavior adaptation, task planning applied to robotics and the explainability of robotic behaviors.

Raquel Ros is a Senior Scientist at PAL Robotics and Lecturer atNew Content Item La Salle-Ramon Llull University in the field of HRI. She graduated in Computer Science in 2003, and obtained her PhD in 2008. Dr. Ros was then granted a Marie-Curie fellowship at LAAS-CNRS until 2010 investigating Theory of Mind and Robotics. She then joined Imperial College as post-doc to work on social robots in educational environments. In 2014 she moved to industry working at Cambridge Consultants as user-center designer. In 2018 Dr. Ros joined La Salle-URL to grow the research and teaching areas of robotics. She recently joined PAL Robotics, where she is part of the Social Interaction team, and her role is to extend the current development of social robots (cognitive systems, multi-modal interaction, mental models) while keeping the user in the core of the design. Dr. Ros has organized different academic events (HRI, RO-MAN, workshops) and has been in charge of editorial duties in two journals.
