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American Journal of Potato Research

The Official Journal of the Potato Association of America

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American Journal of Potato Research - The Potato Association of America

"The official professional society for those interested in advancing the potato industry" 

The Potato Association of America (PAA) was formed in 1913 by a handful of dedicated individuals from Maine, New York, Colorado and Washington D.C. Members are primarily from the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Latin America, but another 50 countries throughout the world are represented in the membership.

Logo PAA

An expanded vision for The Potato Association of America is essential as we begin the new millennium. The potato will play an increasing role in human nutrition as natural resources become scarce due to increasing human population and climate change. Heightened interaction between the PAA and other international potato associations is a critical goal. The PAA and its allied associations must strongly support the private sector through extension, research and commercialization efforts aimed at enhancing the role of the potato as the premier food source for the 21st century. To accomplish this, The PAA must provide leadership to the global potato industry in the 21st century.

The PAA has as a paramount objective the collection and dissemination of the best available technical and practical information relating to all aspects of potato production, biology, and utilization. The PAA serves as the official professional society for those involved in potato research, extension, production, and utilization. The Association provides opportunities to contribute in one or more of eight sections: Breeding & Genetics, Certification, Extension, Plant Protection, Physiology, Production & Management, and Utilization & Marketing.

Join the Potato Association of America!

Membership includes electronic access to all AJPR publications, reduced registration rates and voting rights at the annual meeting, along with e-access to the European Association of Potato Research journal Potato Research. Student membership is also available. Visit for more information.
