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Folia Microbiologica

Official Journal of the Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Czechoslavak Society for Microbiology

Publishing model:

Folia Microbiologica - Call for Papers to Special Issue "Applied Microbial Biotechnology"

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to submit a mini-review of no more than 6-8 printed pages or an original research article to the Special Issue „Applied Microbial Biotechnology“, launched on the occassion of the international congress Biotech 2020 (06/2021 in Prague). Besides congress participants, all interested authors from wide public with relevant topics are cordially invited. The contributions should preferably fall into one of the following areas: (a) medical and pharmaceutical biotechnology, covering new biotechnological and microbiological methods and tools for diagnosis and treatment of pathophysiological conditions related to human health and disease; (b) food and agriculture biotechnology with focus on sustainable food production, food quality/safety, microbial contamination, functional foods and nutritional supplements; (c) industrial biotechnology, which will present critical parameters of industrial processes such as the use of bioreactors, cell metabolism, prospective host systems for compound production, cell factories and the use of enzymes as large-scale synthetic tools; (d) microalgae biotechnology dealing with microalgae products for human and animal diet, for the production of fine chemicals or in environmental applications, including algal biofuels; (e) environmental biotechnology comprising microbial techniques of remediation of contaminated environments, material and energy recovery from waste and wastewater; (f) plant biotechnology focussing of new approaches in plant engineering, crop improvement, and other biotechnologically attractive applications.

Major criteria considered for papers submitted to this Special Issue are novelty, reproducibility of results, and full characterization of processes/ compounds/ catalysts.

We invite the authors to send a short outline of the intended contribution in advance to get the topic approved. Please address your questions and communication concerning potential topics to Dr. Pavla Bojarová (, the Assistant Editor of the Journal and the Member of the Scientific Committee of Biotech 2020. Publication is free of charge but all articles will pass the regular peer-review process. Please follow the Instructions for authors when preparing your contribution.

Submission deadline: September 30, 2021.
