Solid fuel combustion experiments in microgravity using a continuous fuel dispenser and related numerical simulations Paul FerkulJulie KleinhenzJames T’ien OriginalPaper Pages: 3 - 12
Development of a unidirectional cooling technique for synthesizing compound semiconductors in 10 m drop tower Mikito MamiyaTakashi TsurueTakeshi Okutani OriginalPaper Pages: 13 - 17
Experimental study of surface deformation and flow pattern on buoyant-thermocapillary convection Q. KangL. DuanW. R. Hu OriginalPaper Pages: 18 - 24
Nonlinear Marangoni oscillations in multilayer systems I. SimanovskiiP. GeorisJ. C. Legros OriginalPaper Pages: 25 - 34
Microgravity investigations of instability and mixing flux in frontal displacement of fluids Smirnov N. N.Nikitin V. F.Legros J. C. OriginalPaper Pages: 35 - 51
Determination of the threshold of gravity for inducing kinetosis in fish: A drop-tower experiment Ralf H. AnkenR. Hilbig OriginalPaper Pages: 52 - 57