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Microgravity Science and Technology

An International Journal for Microgravity and Space Exploration Related Research

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Microgravity Science and Technology - Marcel Egli joins MST Editorial Board

Microgravity and Science Technology welcomes new Editor

1 March 2022

Marcel Egli from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has joined the Editorial Board of the journal Microgravity and Science Technology. After serving for more than 10 years, Associate Editor Ruth Hemmersbach will resign from active duties in April 2022 – but will continue to support the journal as Advisory Board member!

New Content ItemMarcel Egli is head of the Institute of Medical Engineering at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts that combines the Centre of Competence in Bioscience and Medical Engineering, the "Space Biology Group", and the User Support and Operational Centre “BIOTESC” that serves the European Space Agency ESA. 

He has published numerous scientific articles in the fields of neurobiology, neuro-endocrinology, and more recently in space biology. His current research interests include mainly the cellular mechanisms of mechanosensation, induced by mechanical unloading (e.g. weightlessness). For conducting such research, not only regular laboratory instruments are employed but also research platforms like airplanes performing parabolic flight manoeuvres, sounding rockets as well as the laboratories of the International Space Station ISS.
