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Evolutionary Intelligence - Top 10 Downloaded Articles 2023

We want to thank the authors of our most-downloaded articles in 2023, and highlight to our readers some of the most impactful research to have been published in the journal. We hope that you will find the articles interesting.

A survey of image encryption for healthcare applications, by Priyanka, Amit Kumar Singh

The application of blockchain algorithms to the management of education certificates, by Raúl Jaime Maestre, Javier Bermejo Higuera, Nadia Gámez Gómez, Juan Ramón Bermejo Higuera, Juan A. Sicilia Montalvo, Lara Orcos Palma 

Adult content image recognition by Boltzmann machine limited and deep learning, by Sasan Karamizadeh, Saman Shojae Chaeikar, Alireza Jolfaei

Text embedding techniques for efficient clustering of twitter data, by Jayasree Ravi, Sushil Kulkarni

Genetic algorithms: theory, genetic operators, solutions, and applications, by Bushra Alhijawi, Arafat Awajan

Vaccine hesitancy in the post-vaccination COVID-19 era: a machine learning and statistical analysis driven study, by Himanshu Gupta, Om Prakash Verma

Retraction Note: Optimal feature selection through a cluster-based DT learning (CDTL) in heart disease prediction, by G. Magesh, P. Swarnalatha

Diagnosis of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images based on modified DarkCovidNet model, by Dawit Kiros Redie et al.

COVID-19 severity detection using machine learning techniques from CT-images, by A. L. Aswathy, Hareendran S. Anand, S. S. Vinod Chandra

Multi-class autoencoder-ensembled prediction model for detection of COVID-19 severity, by Mayuri Gupta, Adwitiya Sinha
