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Evolutionary Intelligence - Special Issue proposal guidelines

Evolutionary Intelligence (EVIN) publishes Special Issues (SIs) on topics that are relevant to the journal and beyond the state of the art. Special Issue proposals must be submitted to the Editor in Chief (EiC), Prof. Vincenzo Loia (, CC the Managing Editor (ME), Dr Stefania Tomasiello (, following the guidelines below. Please submit your proposal (PDF format) via e-mail with the subject line “EVIN Special Issue Proposal”. All the Guest Editors must be kept in CC in any communication regarding the SI proposal. Accepted SI proposals will be assigned an ID in the form EVIN-SIP-YYYY-ABCD, which must be used for further communications related to the SI.

A SI proposal should include the following information:

  1. A title (no more than 50 words).
  2. An acronym representing the SI into the Editorial Manager (EM) system during the submission (no more than 8 letters/numbers).
  3. The reason why the SI is relevant to the EVIN journal, highlighting the emerging topics that make it interesting to be published in the journal.
  4. The list of (3 to 6) Guest Editors (GEs), who may be in academia, industry, government, and who should represent different geographical areas, by indicating the Corresponding/Leading Guest Editor (LGE) who will be responsible for all the communications with the journal; decisions made by the LGE on the SI papers will be checked and approved by the EIC/ME. 
    For each GE, the following information must be provided:
    1. given name, family name (no abbreviations are allowed);
    2. email address(es) (at least one institutional email is mandatory);
    3. affiliation and contact details (address, phone, mobile);
    4. ORCID, Scopus profile, Google Scholar profile;
    5. institutional homepage;
    6. short bio;
    7. the list of SIs (if any) that each GE has edited over the last 5 years, by indicating the journal (and the publisher), the title, the co-GEs;
  5. A Call for Papers, mentioning among the other things:
    1. submission deadline;
    2. possible date for the first decision for all the papers;
    3. possible date of publication of the SI.
  6. The strategy the GEs will adopt to attract relevant and high-quality papers.

In case of acceptance, the LGE has to email the EiC and ME a document signed by all the GEs, where they declare to adhere to the EVIN SI guidelines, outlined below.

Special Issue management guidelines

1. A special issue in EVIN can consists of a total of approx. 14 papers in final format (suggested acceptance rate 50%).

2. All the reviewing process is inside the Springer EM platform. In the submission page of EVIN a special slot will enable to address to the corresponding GE the submitted paper. Each paper requires at least three reviewers, selected by the corresponding GE. Final decision is taken by the Editor-in-Chief.

3. A rigorous evaluation method is expected. Papers submitted to the special issue must be original, we tolerate low percentage of overlap with previous version of the submitted works, otherwise the paper will be removed from the publication or reviewing process.

4. It is important that contributors reflect a balanced international geographical spectrum.

5. Papers authored by Guest Editors submitted to the special issue are discouraged. The Guest Editors are invited to send an editorial note, even in form of a full paper, containing a scientific discussion on the theme of the special issue. This paper will not be reviewed by external referees, only the EiC will be responsible for its approval.

6. Quality of the revision process. As Guest Editors you are requested to pay attention to choose serious reviewers and to avoid that a referee report contains abnormal requests to self-citations to their own benefit. In case of abuse the EiC can intervene unassigning the reviewers and handling the paper. It is fine when the authors cite a few paper already published in EVIN in the last 2 years to increase the sense of EVIN community in terms of cooperation and collaboration.

In case of acceptance, the EiC needs to receive a formal letter sent by the corresponding GE, CC all.
