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Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology - Call for papers

Topical Collection “From The Court Room”

Mors auxilium vitae (Death Is Help For The Living), and looking beyond the horizon is crucial in modern forensic medicine. Interdisciplinary questions arising in the daily autopsy routine can be addressed scientifically, and forensic medicine can contribute to walk new paths. Thus, we also welcome “outside-the-box” papers, i.e., scientific research from the interface of forensic medicine and other medical disciplines — there is a significant overlap between forensic medicine and several curative disciplines, especially after a second look. This also applies to the interface of forensic medicine and the judicial system, i.e., legal assessment of forensic findings. As a sub-category of case reports, we have established “From The Court Room” as a brief case description to present and discuss — not necessarily extraordinary — autopsy and/or crime scene features in a specific case and their legal evaluation. What are legal consequences of our work for those affected, and where are the limits of forensic diagnostics? Where can we get better? With this new proposal, we can discuss once again the inference of the forensic publications in a trial [6]. How does the Judge determine the scientific value of the articles and the qualifications and credentials of a proposed expert witness? Even considering the differences among the legal systems worldwide, we are looking forward to submissions addressing these points.

All submissions to this topical collection undergo the normal peer review process of the journal. Reviewers should follow Springer Nature’s and the journal’s more detailed Peer-Review Policy, Process and Guidance here. Editors, Guest Editors and authors should follow Springer Nature’s and the journal’s Editorial Policies carefully before they submit their paper. This information can be found here: Editorial Policies. Manuscripts should be original and not under consideration for publication in another journal. Manuscripts can be submitted via the online submission system here.

We look forward to your contribution!
