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The International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) encompasses product design and manufacturing, with computer modelling, simulation, and analysis at the heart of our publications.

  • Examines developing, handling, and designing highly realistic, multi-sensorial virtual prototypes.
  • Features cutting-edge research in mechatronics, design and manufacturing sciences, numerical and mechanical engineering, and virtual reality.
  • Promotes advanced modelling of design and manufacturing problems.
  • Encourages the exploration of solution spaces through virtual simulators.
  • Advocates for user-centered, innovative methods in design and manufacturing.

  • Duc Truong Pham
Impact factor
2.1 (2023)
5 year impact factor
2.1 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
22 days
285,654 (2023)

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  1. ANVUR
  2. Baidu
  4. CNKI
  6. Dimensions
  7. EBSCO
  8. EI Compendex
  9. Emerging Sources Citation Index
  10. Google Scholar
  11. INSPEC
  12. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  13. Naver
  14. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
  15. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  16. Portico
  17. ProQuest
  18. SCImago
  19. SCOPUS
  20. TD Net Discovery Service
  21. UGC-CARE List (India)
  22. Wanfang
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© Springer-Verlag France SAS, part of Springer Nature
