Effect of chromium and tellurium impurities on the thermoelectric parameters of galena V. A. Golenishchev-KutuzovA. M. SinicinV. A. Ulanov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 265 - 268
Modifying the physicochemical and electrical properties of tantalite and columbite surfaces under conditions of electrochemical treatment and high-voltage nanosecond pulses V. A. ChanturiyaI. Zh. BuninN. E. Anashkina Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 269 - 274
Resistive switchings and diode properties of heterostructures based on epitaxial superconducting Nd2–x Ce x CuO4–y films N. A. TulinaA. A. IvanovS. I. Bozhko Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 275 - 277
Magnetic anisotropy and anisotropic tunneling magnetoresistance of compacted half-metal CrO2 nanopowders N. V. DalakovaA. N. BludovM. G. Osmolowsky Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 278 - 281
Contribution from structural Jahn–Teller ions to the elastic and ferroelectric properties of lithium niobate and lithium tantalate A. V. Golenishchev-KutuzovV. A. Golenishchev-KutuzovA. V. Semennikov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 282 - 284
Role of electronic effects in forming the structure of the nitrilotrismethylenephosphonic complexes of 3d elements (Cr–Zn) F. F. ChausovN. V. SomovI. N. Shabanova Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 285 - 287
Effect of atomic ordering on the role of grain boundaries in the plastic deformation of Ni3Fe alloy O. B. PerevalovaN. A. KonevaE. V. Kozlov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 288 - 291
Using Auger electron spectroscopy to assess the effect of segregation on the interfacial characteristics of polycrystalline copper I. N. SergeevV. K. KumykovV. A. Sozaev Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 292 - 294
Magnetostructural investigations of bulk nanostructured (Со–Р)100–x Сu x alloys L. A. KuzovnikovaE. A. DenisovaV. K. Mal’tsev Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 295 - 297
Ordering and magnetic properties of nanostructured CoPt particles S. V. KomogortsevR. S. IskhakovG. Yu. Yurkin Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 298 - 300
Synthesis of carbon planar structures with specified properties T. N. ZavaritskayaN. N. MelnikI. A. Sherstnev Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 301 - 304
Features of ferromagnetic resonance in nanogranule (CoFeB) m С100 − m structures S. A. VyzulinA. L. KevraletinN. E. Syr’ev Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 305 - 307
Spin−wave resonance as a way of studying the constant of surface anisotropy, using films of Fe–Ni alloy as an example I. G. VazheninaL. A. ChekanovaR. S. Iskhakov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 308 - 310
Structure and mechanical properties of Ni3Ge single crystals under severe plastic deformation and heating Yu. V. Solov’evaV. P. PilyuginV. A. Starenchenko Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 311 - 314
Synthesis, microstructure, the complex nature of the magnetic state of lanthanum manganite weakly doped by bismuth T. N. TarasenkoZ. F. KravchenkoA. I. Linnik Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 315 - 319
Tensor of internal stresses in polycrystalline grains with complex bending S. F. KiselevaN. A. KonevaEd. V. Kozlov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 320 - 322
Temperature magnetism of disordered iron–aluminum alloys in a model of two intra-atomic interactions V. I. GrebennikovD. I. Radzivonchik Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 323 - 326
X-ray circular magnetic dichroism in the presence of strong spin fluctuations T. V. KuznetsovaV. I. Grebennikov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 327 - 330
Valence state and X-ray photoelectron 2p spectra of chromium ions in the La1–x Sr x CrO3 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) system A. T. KozakovA. G. KochurI. P. Raevskii Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 331 - 333
Preparation, structure, and dielectric characteristics of 0.95PFN-0.05BFO single crystals A. V. PavlenkoV. G. SmotrakovL. A. Reznichenko Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 334 - 336
Influence of the scale effect in testing the strength of rock samples D. V. ZaytsevA. N. KochanovP. Ye. Panfilov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 337 - 340
Phase transitions in a two-dimensional system of dipolar excitons in a double-well SiGe/Si heterostructure T. M. BurbaevM. A. AkmaevD. N. Lobanov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 341 - 344
Formation of the structure and piezoelectric and dielectric properties of NaNbO3−KNbO3−CuNb2O6 solid solutions M. V. TalanovL. A. ShilkinaL. A. Reznichenko Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 345 - 347
Anomalies in the reflection of an electromagnetic wave from the surface of a ferromagnet in a constant external electric field A. S. SavchenkoA. S. TarasenkoV. G. Shavrov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 348 - 350
Ferromagnetic resonance linewidth in powders consisting of core–shell particles L. A. ChekanovaS. V. KomogortsevR. S. Iskhakov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 351 - 353
Phase transformations in 0.34С–1Cr–1Ni–1Mo–Fe steel under the action of electrolytic plasma nitrocarburizing N. A. PopovaL. A. EryginaE. V. Kozlov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 354 - 356
Surface tension of copper in solid phase V. K. KumykovI. N. SergeevM. V. Gedgagova Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 357 - 359
Physico-mechanical properties and micromechanisms of local deformation in thin near-surface layers of complex multiphase materials Y. I. GolovinA. I. TyurinT. S. Pirozhkova Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 360 - 364
Linear organic–inorganic heterometallic copolymers [(Fe, Zn)(H2O)3{NH(CH2PO3H)3}] n and [(Fe, Cd)(H2O)3{NH(CH2PO3H)3}] n : The missing link in the mechanism of inhibiting local steel corrosion with phosphonates F. F. ChausovN. V. SomovM. A. Shumilova Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 365 - 367
Changes in the functional chemical compositions of surface and structural defects of diamonds, due to the nonthermal influence of nanosecond high voltage pulses I. Zh. BuninV. A. ChanturiyaG. K. Khachatryan Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 368 - 372
Short-range order in disordered and ordered niobium carbide NbC0.83 from ab initio calculations M. G. KostenkoS. V. SharfA. A. Rempel Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 373 - 376
Studies of electrical resistivity of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite under high pressures at room temperature T. K. PetrosyanG. V. TikhomirovaA. N. Babushkin Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 377 - 379
Estimating the proportionality coefficient in Rusanov’s formula for surface tension using kinetic data on the rates of nanoparticle evaporation and vacancy pore shrinkage N. Yu. SdobnyakovV. M. SamsonovD. A. Novozhilova Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 380 - 383
Stabilizing a disordered structural modification of barium indate by means of heterogenous doping I. V. AlyabyshevaN. A. KochetovaI. E. Animitsa Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 384 - 386
Effect of composition on the structural relaxation of amorphous iron-based alloys N. V. IlinA. K. TcesarskaiaV. S. Plotnikov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 387 - 390
Evolution of the torsion-curvature of a crystal lattice upon the deformation of polycrystalline Cu–Al and Cu–Mn solid solutions: The role of grain size N. A. KonevaL. I. TrishkinaE. V. Kozlov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 391 - 393
Impact of pressure on heat transfer processes in fluid-saturated sandstone specimens S. N. EmirovA. E. Ramazanova Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 394 - 396
Long-range atomic order and grain boundary ensemble in alloys with L12 superstructure E. V. KonovalovaO. B. PerevalovaE. V. Kozlov Proceedings of the “OMA-19”, “ODPO-19” 20 April 2017 Pages: 397 - 400