Submission guidelines
Instructions for Authors
Submission of a manuscript implies:
• that the work described has not been published before;
• that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
• that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out;
• that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatically transfer the copyright to the publisher; and
• that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holder. The manuscript should be written in English.
Submission of the Manuscript
The manuscript intended for publication should be sent to the Managing Editor. We strongly support electronic submission via email.
Managing Editor
Jean-Yves Béziau
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
The Editorial Process
To speed up publication, and to ensure a unified layout throughout the journal, we require the use of LATEX.
Preparation of Manuscripts
The manuscript should be written in LATEX. It must include a title, the author’s name(s), an abstract, and the keywords. The 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification codes should be added, if applicable. Pictures should not be in color, their resolution should be at least 300 dpi, and all used fonts must be embedded.
Each submission should be accompanied by a cover letter answering the following questions:
- Why do you think your paper fits in the scope of the journal Logica Universalis?
- What is the importance of your paper regarding the already existing literature on the subject?
- What is the value of your work for the development of universal logic as a general theory of logical systems?
- In which sense does your paper promote a general vision and understanding of logic as reasoning and of logic as the science of reasoning?
- What kind of audience might be interested in your research?
All authors should give their complete addresses along with an e-mail address, if applicable. Please note that we cannot accept electronic files produced on any other typesetting or word processing system.
Class File
To simplify the transformation process between your documents and the final layout, we provide the LATEX class file birkjour.cls ready for use with the newer LATEX versions (LATEX2e) which can be downloaded from the web page
as a small zip file, (see also link here below).
Then, the first line in your document should be
The class file mainly sets the fonts, margins and spacing. It is based on the standard AMSart class. Hence all of the usual LATEX and AMS-LATEX commands can be used inside your document. A small sample file containing a short documentation and being useful as template is also provided in the zip file. The authors are highly recommended not to modify the class file by introducing personal settings and/or definitions.
Editing Services
How can you help improve your manuscript for publication?
Presenting your work in a well-structured manuscript and in well-written English gives it its best chance for editors and reviewers to understand it and evaluate it fairly. Many researchers find that getting some independent support helps them present their results in the best possible light. The experts at Springer Nature Author Services can help you with manuscript preparation—including English language editing, developmental comments, manuscript formatting, figure preparation, translation, and more.
You can also use our free Grammar Check tool for an evaluation of your work.
Please note that using these tools, or any other service, is not a requirement for publication, nor does it imply or guarantee that editors will accept the article, or even select it for peer review.
Chinese (中文)
如果在结构精巧的稿件中用精心组织的英语展示您的作品,就能最大限度地让编辑和审稿人理解并公正评估您的作品。许多研究人员发现,获得一些独立支持有助于他们以尽可能美好的方式展示他们的成果。Springer Nature Author Services 的专家可帮助您准备稿件,具体包括润色英语表述、添加有见地的注释、为稿件排版、设计图表、翻译等。
Japanese (日本語)
内容が適切に組み立てられ、質の高い英語で書かれた論文を投稿すれば、編集者や査読者が論文を理解し、公正に評価するための最善の機会となります。多くの研究者は、個別のサポートを受けることで、研究結果を可能な限り最高の形で発表できると思っています。Springer Nature Author Servicesのエキスパートが、英文の編集、建設的な提言、論文の書式、図の調整、翻訳など、論文の作成をサポートいたします。
Korean (한국어)
게재를 위해 원고를 개선하려면 어떻게 해야 할까요?
여러분의 작품을 체계적인 원고로 발표하는 것은 편집자와 심사자가 여러분의 연구를 이해하고 공정하게 평가할 수 있는 최선의 기회를 제공합니다. 많은 연구자들은 어느 정도 독립적인 지원을 받는 것이 가능한 한 최선의 방법으로 자신의 결과를 발표하는 데 도움이 된다고 합니다. Springer Nature Author Services 전문가들은 영어 편집, 발전적인 논평, 원고 서식 지정, 그림 준비, 번역 등과 같은 원고 준비를 도와드릴 수 있습니다.
또한 당사의 무료 문법 검사도구를 사용하여 여러분의 연구를 평가할 수 있습니다.
이러한 도구 또는 기타 서비스를 사용하는 것은 게재를 위한 필수 요구사항이 아니며, 편집자가 해당 논문을 수락하거나 피어 리뷰에 해당 논문을 선택한다는 것을 암시하거나 보장하지는 않습니다.
The corresponding author will receive a pdf file of the final form of his article. Reprints can be obtained through the publisher.
Open access publishing
To find out more about publishing your work Open Access in Logica Universalis, including information on fees, funding and licences, visit our Open access publishing page.