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Control Theory and Technology - Call for Papers

Special Issue on ADRC: Connecting Theory with Practice, Understanding with Actions, and Principles with Insights

Around this time 20 years ago, a breakthrough was made that led to an ACC paper on bandwidth parameterization of LADRC. Looking back, its meaning is now clear: by connecting ADRC design principles with frequency domain insight and terminology, ADRC firmly landed in the hands of engineers and became, in many cases, a tool of choice in practice, a source of insights in research, and a way of thinking in academia.

Connection is what seems to be the key connecting theory with practice, knowledge with actions, principles with insights, in the same spirit of Shannon’s Master Thesis at MIT: connecting symbolic logic with relay circuits in a conceptual revolution in engineering that is yet to be surpassed.

By the same token, each ADRC paper published in the last 20 years can be seen as an attempt at making a connection, large or small. We’d like to ask those aspiring researchers and practitioners in the field of ADRC: what are the latest connections do you think worth mentioning? Like those that firmly established the connection between ADRC and PID, thus ensuring backward compatibility of a new class of technologies? Or like those that finally explained the mystery in the Z-N PID tuning rules from the 1940s? Can someone connect the ADRC solution to the two-mass benchmark problem with the bottleneck known as the available bandwidth that Gunter Stein articulated in his famous 1989 Bode Lecture?

This special issue on ADRC seeks to illustrate new connections and new insights as the field of ADRC marches forward, in new directions and faces new problems of our time. We welcome especially those papers that show how ADRC is organically integrated into the design AND control of various physical processes, also known as co-design, in the same spirit of how James Watt integrated seamlessly a speed regulator (flyball governor) from windmill into the steam engine, and changed the course of history.

We hope to receive your contributions by Oct. 1, 2022, submitted through the manuscripts system at Please clarify in the cover note that the paper is submitted to this special issue.

Guest Editors

Professor Zhiqiang Gao
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA

Professor Yi Huang
Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Submission Deadline: 1 October 2022
Acceptance Notification: 1 December 2022
Publication Date: February 2023

For further information about paper submissions, please contact
