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Journal of the World Archaeological Congress

Publishing model:

Archaeologies - Announcement: Collaboration with SAPIENS

We are pleased to announce that Archaeologies has a collaboration with SAPIENS, the free digital magazine of the Wenner-Gren Foundation that brings the voices of scholars to millions of global readers. 

This collaboration entails the Archaeologies’ editors identifying potential articles that could interest general public audiences, and sharing the abstracts and author names and emails with SAPIENS after the article has been accepted but before it has been published. SAPIENS may then choose to contact authors to discuss rewriting their academic article for a public readership. Authors not interested in pursuing this option may choose to opt out during the submission process.

From the Editors:

The Editors of Archaeologies are very pleased and proud to be associated with SAPIENS in this new collaboration. We urge our authors to consider taking advantage of this opportunity to bring their important work to a wider public and thereby to spread an understanding of what archaeologists do and the vital role of our sponsoring organisation the World Archaeological Congress in promoting peace and justice around the globe. 
