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Botany, Zoology and Cellular and Molecular Biology

Publishing model:

Collections and calls for papers

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Biological Invasions

This Special Issue aims to bring together a set of reviews and research articles about all aspects of plant invasion biology, emphasizing patterns and processes of biological invasions in terrestrial, freshw...
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Extremophilic Bacteria and Archaea – Their Proteins and Enzymes

Extremophilic Bacteria and Archaea thrive in habitats with high or low temperatures, in highly salty, acidic or alkaline conditions or in toxic wastes, environments that are considered inhospitable and hosti...
Submission status
Submission deadline
30 June 2024

News, Trends, and Challenges in Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes

The research area of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) represents an enormously developing field attracting and also deserving overlasting attention from the scientific community throughout the world. Th...
Submission status

Plant communities in changing environment

Changing environment strongly shapes plant diversity and a whole vegetation over all spatial scales. Plant, habitat and functional diversity is conditioned strongly in space and time by various factors, clim...
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