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A Journal of Comparative Philosophy

Publishing model:


Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy is sponsored by the Association of Chinese Philosophers in America and the Department of Philosophy, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and supported by the Institute for the Advanced Studies of Humanities of the National Taiwan University. The Journal is dedicated to publishing quality articles and reviews of books in Chinese philosophy, particularly those relating Chinese philosophy to other philosophical traditions in the world, including but not limited to Western philosophy, Islamic philosophy, African philosophy, Indian philosophy, Japanese philosophy, and Korean philosophy, as well as articles on theories and methodologies of comparative philosophy. All articles are peer-reviewed.

In addition to high-quality research articles on comparative philosophy, theory and methodology, Dao publishes book reviews in the area of Chinese and comparative philosophy. This is the only journal that regularly publishes reviews of books in Chinese, as well as full-length articles reviewing works of contemporary philosophers in China.

  • Yong Huang
Journal Impact Factor
0.5 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
0.5 (2023)
30,039 (2023)

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Journal updates

  • 2023 Dao Annual Best Essay Award

    2023 Dao Annual Best Essay Award

    Thorian R. Harris, “Moral Perfection as the Counterfeit of Virtue,” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (2023): 43-61 (Free Access to the Paper)

    In this historically situated, textually grounded, and philosophically nuanced paper, Thorian

    R. Harris challenges the widely held assumption that Confucian sages are free of all moral imperfections. In Harris’s view, early Confucians held, rightly, that sages were not morally perfect, it is impossible to be morally perfect, and moral perfection, which is merely the counterfeit of virtue, is not something desirable. Instead of moral perfection, the highest ideal that Confucian sages truly embody and Confucians clearly embrace is the love of learning to be human. Skillfully travelling between the Chinese and Western sources and ancient and contemporary perspectives, the paper exemplifies the type of scholarship this journal aims to promote.

  • Dao Annual Best Essay Award

    Starting from Volume VI, 2007, Dao establishes The Annual Best Essay Award. In addition to a certificate of achievement, the award comes along with a prize of $1000. The award winners will also be noted on this website.

    The award ceremony will be held at the American Philosophical Association Annual Meeting (Eastern Division), where the award winner will be invited to give a lecture in the “Dao Annual Best Essay Award Winner Lecture Series.”  The selection committee consists of all editorial board members who have not published articles in Dao in the given year. The best essay is selected in terms of the scholarly rigorousness and philosophical creativity.

Journal information

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  1. Arts & Humanities Citation Index
  2. Baidu
  4. CNKI
  6. Current Contents/Arts and Humanities
  7. Dimensions
  8. EBSCO
  9. Google Scholar
  10. MLA International Bibliography
  11. Naver
  12. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
  13. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  14. PhilPapers
  15. Philosopher’s Index
  16. Portico
  17. ProQuest
  18. SCImago
  19. SCOPUS
  20. TD Net Discovery Service
  21. UGC-CARE List (India)
  22. Wanfang
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