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Optimization Letters - Call for Papers: Special Issue on OPTIMA-CON 2024

Aims and Scope:
This special issue presents selected papers from the OPTIMA-CON 2024 conference. OPTIMA-CON is hosted by the ARC Training Centre in Optimization Technologies, Integrated Methodologies, and Applications (OPTIMA). The conference will be held 10-12 July 2024 in Melbourne, Australia. OPTIMA-CON brings together industry professionals, researchers, and students from various national and international institutions. A diverse range of workshops, presentations and discussion groups will be held during the conference designed to foster meaningful collaborations and knowledge transfer between academia and the private sector. The conference aims to bring together optimization experts, academics, and professionals from across disciplines including operations research, evolutionary computation, and optimal decision-making. More details about the conference can be found at:

This special issue aims to showcase the importance of optimization in practice. Selected submitted abstracts to OPTIMA-CON 2024 will be invited to be submitted as a full-paper to the special issue. Submissions not presented at the conference are also welcomed. The special issue promotes developing new models or integrated frameworks for finding optimal solutions to solve real-world problems in different application areas such as healthcare, manufacturing, and transport.

Manuscripts should be prepared using Springer’s LaTeX macro package and submitted through the journal's editorial manager Each manuscript will be peer-reviewed according to the editorial policy of Optimization Letters. Articles should be original, unpublished, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Please select SI: OPTIMA2024 for the article type when submitting your contribution. All papers will go through a regular peer review process.
Important Dates: Submission Deadline: October 31, 2024

Optimization, Operations Research, Evolutionary Computation, Constraint Programming, Optimal Decisions.
The application topics of this special issue (and OPTIMA-CON) include, but are not limited to, the following: 
•    Arts
•    Infrastructure, Logistics and Transport
•    Defense and Cybersecurity
•    Energy, Water and Resource Management
•    Advanced Manufacturing
•    Climate and Environment
•    Health and Wellbeing
•    Social Good
•    Education, Finance and the Service Economy
•    Food Security and Agriculture
•    Optimization Technologies

Special Issue Organizers: 
Dr. Mario Andrés Muñoz, University of Melbourne, Australia (
Dr. Joyce Zhang, University of Melbourne, Australia (
Dr. Hadi A. Khorshidi, University of Melbourne, Australia (
Dr. Hao Wang, Monash University, Australia (
Dr. Hossein Alipour, University of Sydney, Australia, (
