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Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A - Call for Papers "SPECIAL ISSUE: Vibration assisted manufacturing technology"

Mechanical vibration, especially ultrasonic vibration has attracted much attention in the field of advanced manufacturing, due to its capacity to improve the processing performance of difficult-to-cut materials. Recently the mechanical vibration has also showed its great potential in the application of high-efficiency fabrication of functional micro/nanostructures. Moreover, there is a significant growth trend the mechanical vibration is combined or added to other unconventional manufacturing processes, such as laser-based 3D printing and electrical machining to enhance their performance. The mechanistic understanding of the unique role of mechanical vibration is fundamental to regulate the performance enhancement or enabling of novel manufacturing process. To share recent development and knowledge of vibration assisted manufacturing technology, we will publish a special issue on vibration assisted manufacturing technology in the Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics and Engineering) (JZUS-A). The purpose of the special issue is to provide an up-to-date view as well as an outlook of the field. This issue will be open accessed by SpringerLink for a few months in order to attract worldwide attention.

Focal points of the special issue include but are not limited to innovative applications:

(1)      Vibration enhanced high-performance conventional manufacturing processes

(2)      Vibration enabled surface texturing of functional micro/nanostructures

(3)      The design and control of novel vibration manufacturing equipment

(4)      The combination of vibration with unconventional manufacturing processes

(5)      The application of vibration in other fields, such as micro/nano manipulation

Guest Editors:

New Content Item (1)     

Dr. Jianjian WANG,
Tsinghua University, China

New Content Item (2)     

Dr. Daxi GENG, 
Beihang University, China


JZUS-A Editorial Office


Tel: +86 (0) 571-8795 2783

Submission Deadline: 16 May 2023

Publication Date: 31 Jan. 2024

Note to authors:

Please add “SI-2022VAM” at the beginning of the article title during the submission of manuscripts.Manuscripts submitted will be subject to strict international peer review procedures.

Accepted manuscripts will be Springer online first, regardless of the publication date of this Special Issue.

Welcome your contributions!
