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Aims and scope

Founded in 1948, the Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS) ("Cologne Journal of Sociology and Social Psychology") is the oldest professional sociology journal in the German-speaking world. Since then, it has established itself as the most important German sociological publication in terms of both scope and dissemination. It features contributions in German and English.
With a focus on theory building and theory-guided empirical social research, the KZfSS publishes innovative research covering all subfields of sociology and all geographical regions. Full-length research articles (“Abhandlungen”) and short research notes (“Berichte”) are published upon rigorous evaluation in double-blind peer-review and editorial discussion.
In addition to original research, the KZfSS presents systematic literature reports on significant developments in the discipline as well as critical reviews of monographs or edited volumes. One out of four issues per year is devoted to a special theme (“Sonderheft”) and curated by prominent guest editors.

The journal is included in many renowned scientific Abstracting & Indexing databases such as the Social Science Citation Index and SCOPUS.
