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Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy - Call For Papers | Special Topic: Strong Field and Attosecond Physics

Guest editors:

Prof. WeiFeng Yang, Hainan University
Prof. Jing Chen, University of Science and Technology of China
Prof. XiaoJun Liu, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS

Special topic information:

Strong field and attosecond physics is at the frontier of physical science, involving strong field effects, high-order harmonic generation, ultrafast laser technology, attosecond pulse generation, and so on. With the continuous development of laser technology and spectroscopic methods, significant progress has been made in this research field in recent years. This special topic aims to collect the latest research results and topic reviews, promoting the development of the field and providing our readers with a deep understanding of strong field and attosecond physics.


  • Fundamental principles and basic phenomena in strong field physics;
  • High-order harmonic generation and its applications;
  • Generation, detection, and applications of attosecond pulses;
  • Spectroscopic technologies and theoretical methods in attosecond physics;
  • Interdisciplinary research related to strong field and attosecond physics.

Benefits for authors when publishing with SCPMA:

  • Rigorous and fast peer review;
  • Full-text HTML and timely publication (online immediately);
  • Temporary free access on Springerlink;
  • Highlighted at EurekAlert and other public media.

Manuscript submission information:

  1. Springer journal website:
  2. General information for submitting papers to SCPMA can be found at Information for Authors.
  3. Submissions should be made online at the Submission site for SCPMA. Please refer to the Special Topic in the cover letter.

Deadline for submissions:

15 May, 2024

Contact information:

If you have any questions or need further information about this special topic, please feel free to contact us via
WeiFeng Yang, Guest Editor,;
Wei Wang, Managing Editor,, 86-10-64015835.

About the journal:

SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy (Sci. China- Phys. Mech. Astron., SCPMA) is a monthly peer-reviewed academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and cosponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Its primary mission is to encourage communication of basic and innovative research results of high quality and broad interest in the fields of physics, mechanics and astronomy. The subject areas featured include but not limited to condensed matter physics, optical physics, quantum physics, theoretical physics, high-energy physics, nuclear physics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, astrophysics, and interdisciplinary areas, etc. Contributions are invited from researchers all over the world.
