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Asian Journal of Criminology

An Interdisciplinary Journal on Crime, Law and Deviance in Asia

Publishing model:

Asian Journal of Criminology - 2023 Best Paper Award

After a rigorous selection, the best paper committee decided to give the 2023 AJOC Best paper award to 

Lee, Y., & Park, J. (2022). Using big data to prevent crime: legitimacy matters. Asian Journal of Criminology17(1), 61-80.

This article investigates a cutting-edge topic: big data and crime prevention. It particularly focuses citizens’ awareness survey to gauge the impact of crime prevention initiatives based on big data. It aims to gather insights into the use of big data to strengthen preventive responses to crimes by law enforcement agencies while also considering the citizens initiatives based on big data abuses. The article is well written with solid theoretical and empirical base, which will have good influence and attract significant attention of the field.

The award ceremony will be held at the 14th Asian Criminological Society annual meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka on October 29, 2023.

For the Award Selection Committee

Jianhong Liu, Yan Zhang, Xiaoxiang Wang

Please note: Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy your free of this article for a period of 8 weeks from 1-November until 27 December 2023!
